Fighting Spam, Educating Members on Best Practices, Law, and industry Developments to Fight Spam and Protect Email and a Viable and Essential Communications Tool

Formed in November 2002, the ESPC's membership is comprised of many of the largest and most innovative technology providers in the email industry, including Email Service Providers (ESPs), Mail Transfer Agents, application and solution developers, and deliverability solutions providers. 

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Recent Happenings

NH governor signs student privacy bill

Bill bans profiling, targeting, and data sharing by websites and apps aimed at students.

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CRTC resources

Shaun Brown has shared the following CRTC resources from the Full Member call on June 4:

·        CRTC Anti-Spam Page:

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CA passes surveillance reform

CA Senate wants warrants to be required for phone searches

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Yahoo must face email spying class action

A U.S. judge orders Yahoo to face a nationwide class-action lawsuit accusing it of illegally intercepting the content of emails sent to Yahoo Mail subscribers from non-Yahoo accounts and using that information to boost advertising revenue.


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