Fighting Spam, Educating Members on Best Practices, Law, and industry Developments to Fight Spam and Protect Email and a Viable and Essential Communications Tool

Formed in November 2002, the ESPC's membership is comprised of many of the largest and most innovative technology providers in the email industry, including Email Service Providers (ESPs), Mail Transfer Agents, application and solution developers, and deliverability solutions providers. 

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Recent Happenings

ePrivacy Regulation: Position of the German Government for further negotiations at EU level

New FTC Commissioners lay out their privacy priorities

Law360: A new Republican member of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission on Friday argued that strict privacy laws could allow well-lawyered tech giants to consolidate power and stifle competition, while a new Democrat at the agency, in a separate speech a day earlier, urged smarter self-regulation of connected devices.

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Trump Privacy Pitch May Get Public Scrutiny on Road to Congress

Article attached.

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India considers new personal data privacy law
