Fighting Spam, Educating Members on Best Practices, Law, and industry Developments to Fight Spam and Protect Email and a Viable and Essential Communications Tool

Formed in November 2002, the ESPC's membership is comprised of many of the largest and most innovative technology providers in the email industry, including Email Service Providers (ESPs), Mail Transfer Agents, application and solution developers, and deliverability solutions providers. 

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Recent Happenings

NSA to stop collecting emails about foreign targets

President signs cybersecurity Executive Order

2017 NAI Summit: Trump and what we can expect

2017 NAI Summit: Regulatory Affairs Panel: The Trump Administration and the Washington Regulatory and Legislative Environment— What Can We Expect?

Moderator: Reed Freeman (WilmerHale)

Gina Woodworth, Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affairs, The Internet Association
Emmett O’Keefe, SVP, Advocacy, Data and Marketing Association
Noga Rosenthal, Chief Privacy Officer, Epsilon
Leigh Freund, President & CEO, NAI

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2017 ESPC Semi-Annual Meeting - Keynote 2: Combatting Cyber Threats

2107 ESPC Semi-Annual Meeting - Keynote 2: Compatting Cyber Threats

Presenter: Kevin Mandia (FireEye)

Slides attached

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