Fighting Spam, Educating Members on Best Practices, Law, and industry Developments to Fight Spam and Protect Email and a Viable and Essential Communications Tool

Formed in November 2002, the ESPC's membership is comprised of many of the largest and most innovative technology providers in the email industry, including Email Service Providers (ESPs), Mail Transfer Agents, application and solution developers, and deliverability solutions providers. 

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Recent Happenings

CASL Compliance Checklist

Posting of CASL Compliance Checklist on site. 

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CNIL publishes guidance on procuring consent for use of cookies

Summary of guidance provided by French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) regarding securing of consent for the use of cookies and similar technologies in compliance with the French implementation of Article 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive. Memo is provided on members-only section of site.

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Update on Yahoo! address recycling

Article providing updates to Yahoo!'s implementation of its recycled address plan.

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Workshops on breach readiness and response for ESPs

Online Trust Alliance (OTA) workshops on data breach readiness and response, geared toward ESPs. The workshop are being hosted in NY on Jan 28, San Francisco on Jan 30 and Seattle on February 4th.

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