Fighting Spam, Educating Members on Best Practices, Law, and industry Developments to Fight Spam and Protect Email and a Viable and Essential Communications Tool

Formed in November 2002, the ESPC's membership is comprised of many of the largest and most innovative technology providers in the email industry, including Email Service Providers (ESPs), Mail Transfer Agents, application and solution developers, and deliverability solutions providers. 

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Recent Happenings

ESPC 2013 Annual Meeting

ESPC hosts 2013 Annual Meeting in Washington DC

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Article: Google may ditch cookies as online ad tracker

Article addressing proposed Google plan to drop the use of cookies for online ad tracking due to evolving DNT debate.

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Article: Yahoo will offer "Not my email" button

Article discussing Yahoo!

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Article: Police can invade your email

Article summarizing result of Gov. Brown of CA vetoing SB 467: the policy can search your email without a warrant.

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