Datesort ascending Topic Info Type Description
04/23/2014 AOL Changes DMARC handling Committee Call

Link to AOL Postmaster resource outlining changes to how AOL handling DMARC - p=reject, distributed to ESPC Deliverability & Compliance Committee

04/08/2014 Yahoo changes DMARC handling Committee Call

Notice and links to supplemental information outlining changes in how Yahoo handles DMARC, distributed to Full Group and ESPC Deliverability and Compliance Committee

04/08/2014 DAA publishes new ad marker standard for mobile Member Memo

Notice that DAA has published new ad marker technical standard for mobile, includes link to reference material

04/03/2014 Deliverability - Back to Basics Full Member Call

Andrew Bonar "Back to Basics" Deliverability update, agenda attached

03/18/2014 Best practices for vetting new clients Member Memo

ESPC publishes "Best Practices" for vetting new clients, released to members

03/06/2014 IAB paper on the Future of the Cookie Full Member Call

Discussion and Q&A with IAB's Mike Zaneis on the Future of the Cookie, link to reference material included

02/27/2014 Behavioral Advertising Might Not be as Important as You Think Member Memo

Article on the potential difference in perceived value of online behavioral advertising and its true impact

02/20/2014 Updated CASL FAQs Member Memo

CASL FAQ document updated with latest new items. Document located in the Members-only section of the website under "Privileged" content.

02/19/2014 OTA Event Notice - Member Memo

Announcement of Online Trust Alliance (OTA training event: Email Integrity, Security & DMARC Training - Keep from being Phished Tuesday, March 4, 2014

02/06/2014 Reconfirming subscribers under CASL Full Member Call

Discussion and Q/A on reconfirming subscribers under CASL and when to do so. We will update the CASL FAQs with information from this call.
