Datesort ascending Topic Info Type Description
02/27/2014 Behavioral Advertising Might Not be as Important as You Think Member Memo

Article on the potential difference in perceived value of online behavioral advertising and its true impact

02/20/2014 Updated CASL FAQs Member Memo

CASL FAQ document updated with latest new items. Document located in the Members-only section of the website under "Privileged" content.

02/19/2014 OTA Event Notice - Member Memo

Announcement of Online Trust Alliance (OTA training event: Email Integrity, Security & DMARC Training - Keep from being Phished Tuesday, March 4, 2014

02/06/2014 Reconfirming subscribers under CASL Full Member Call

Discussion and Q/A on reconfirming subscribers under CASL and when to do so. We will update the CASL FAQs with information from this call.

02/06/2014 Summary of Congressional hearings on data security Member Memo

Summary of House and Senate Judiciary, Commerce, and Banking Committees regarding data security in light of recent high-profile breaches.

01/17/2014 Workshops on breach readiness and response for ESPs Member Memo

Online Trust Alliance (OTA) workshops on data breach readiness and response, geared toward ESPs. The workshop are being hosted in NY on Jan 28, San Francisco on Jan 30 and Seattle on February 4th.

01/08/2014 Update on Yahoo! address recycling Full Member Call

Article providing updates to Yahoo!'s implementation of its recycled address plan.

12/20/2013 CNIL publishes guidance on procuring consent for use of cookies Member Memo

Summary of guidance provided by French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) regarding securing of consent for the use of cookies and similar technologies in compliance with the French implementation of Article 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive.

12/17/2013 CASL Compliance Checklist Member Memo

Posting of CASL Compliance Checklist on site. 

12/12/2013 Memo on CA DOJ discussion on DNT provision in CalOPPA Member Memo

Member memo summarizing discussion with the privacy section of the California Department of Justice regarding the "Do Not Track" provisions in CalOPPA. Document provided on members-only section.
